a drilling platform on a polish lake

The Instrument Helmholtz Virtual Institute


By establishing new research partnerships, Helmholtz Virtual Institutes provide a distinct benefit in preparing the way for larger strategic research projects. With this funding the Helmholtz Association wants to strengthen the position of universities in the German scientific system. A further aim of the funding programme is to generate new collaboration with leading international partner institutions and the industry.


A Helmholtz Virtual Institute brings together the key competencies of one or more Helmholtz Centres with those of one or more universities to create a centre of excellence of international standing. This serves to create a new quality of cooperation strengthening scientific excellence and increasing international competitiveness. Other national or international partners may be involved as associated partners.


Helmholtz Virtual Institutes have their own executive and management structure and develop special measures to qualify their young researchers. Over a three to five year period, Virtual Institutes receive up to a maximum of 600,000 euros per year from the Initiative and Networking Fund. With this scope Virtual Institutes possess of an ideal size, to prepare the way for larger collaborative networks such as the Helmholtz Alliances.


The Helmholtz Association is dedicated to pursuing the long-term research goals of state and society, and to maintaining and improving the livelihoods of the population. In order to do this, the Helmholtz Association carries out top-level research to identify and explore the major challenges facing society, science and the economy.


ICLEA - A Virtual Institute within the Helmholtz Association

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Prof. Dr. Achim Brauer
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Head of Section 5.2
Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution
14473 Potsdam


Tel.: +49 (0)331 288-1330
Fax: +49 (0)331 288-1302


Dr. Markus J. Schwab
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Sektion 5.2 Klimadynamik und Landschaftsentwicklung

14473 Potsdam


Tel.: +49 (0)331 288-1388
Fax: +49 (0)331 288-1302